Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh How The Years Go By

Nate, my oldest son, is getting married this week.

Did I really just say that?

My oldest son.

Is getting MARRIED!



Holy mackerel!

I can hardly believe it. Whoever said, "The days are long, but the years are short," wasn't kidding. I have been so wrapped up in the stresses of planning, purchasing, organizing and creating for this blessed event that I haven't had a lot of time to sit and think about how I feel about all of this.

Until now.

So, how do I feel about this? Here are a few adjectives that seem appropriate to describe what's going on in my heart, mind and body at this moment.


And there are probably many more that I can't think of at the moment. Today Derek and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. In 6 days, we will be celebrating our oldest son's marriage. Nate will be a husband. He will have a wife. We will have a new daughter. Mallory (as she would be happy to tell anyone who will listen) will FINALLY have a sister.

As we stand on the threshold (wedding pun intended) of this milestone along the pathway of parenthood, it just about takes my breath away. It's one of those things that you look forward to and wish for. It's also something you dread, because in a way, it signifies letting go.

Letting go. UGH. I hate that phrase. Not that I'm a control freak or anything, but wow, I hate change. Who doesn't, really? I like feeling secure in my safe, comfortable routine. I like to eat the same thing for breakfast every morning. My wardrobe is full of clothes that all look amazingly similar to each other. I shop at the same stores pretty much all the time.

But, I suppose these past 22 years of parenting have taught me that raising kids is one big change after another.

That's what makes it so fun.

And so hard.

So exciting.

And so heart-wrenching.

And yes, I will be carrying lots of tissues with me on Saturday, Feb. 18 as Nate and Aprill become Mr. and Mrs. Those tears that I can pretty much guarantee will be flowing will be a representation of all those emotions I just talked about.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Another big milestone straight ahead.


1 comment:

  1. I haven't personally gone through this milestone yet with my kids, but recently I watched my sister-in-law go through this rite of passage with her oldest son. I can only imagine all the heightened feelings this occasion is bringing forth. It's so wonderful that you will be there to watch your son take yet another important step in his life. Breathe in, breathe out . . . - that's for me - I'm so excited for you!
